Friday, May 7, 2010


Mother's Day is approaching. This is the time of year we are supposed to thank our mother's for their impact on our lives. We're supposed to take one day out of the year to rise up and call them blessed. My momma did so much with us when I was little. She had a wonderfully positive influence on my creativity and left me with unique memories I want to create with my children.

It's one thing the thank my momma for giving me life and a whole other thing to accept that from my own children. As undeserving as I feel of any praise they might muster for the occasion, I do have a few things to say about the life I've chosen.

There is a picture of me, floating around somewhere, at the age of four sleeping on a fold out bed in Washington DC with a doll under my shirt. I'd fallen asleep nursing, you see. For as longs as I can remember I've wanted to be a momma. I had other ambitions as well including being the lead singer in a band, going to UCSC to major in psychology, getting my BA in early childhood education, being married to Nikki Sixx from Motle Crue (I'm so embarrassed!), going to Africa to be a missionary (Now THAT'S a contrast from Nikki Sixx!!!) and being a traveling teacher to missionary kids. I've accomplished most of what I had desired but in a way I never realized could be so rewarding (and in a way that, PRAISE THE LORD, did NOT include Nikki Sixx:)

As a mother I have gotten my degree in psychology as I've worked with everyone from toddler to teen and in between. I work full time as an early childhood educator and teacher. I haven't gone to Africa, but I listen to African music with my 14 year old:)I have been the lead singer as I've sung them to sleep while holding them (the teens aren't so into that anymore, LOL!) And while I haven't been a teacher to missionary kids Our home has been home to 20 children so far, not counting the first three from my belly. In addition I have been a professional "home chef", housekeeper, chauffeur, coach, interpreter (ahhh, the toddler years:) And the teen years for that matter!), personal shopper, nurse, seamstress, home herbalist, music instructor, editor of many a paper, project manager, administrative assistant, detective, goof ball, laundress and cheerleader. I think there's more but my brain is going numb just thinking about it all:)

I'm so thankful for my children. Without them there'd be no mother's day:) Yes, there'd be more nights of undisturbed sleep and finishing thoughts and phone conversations. Perhaps I'd hear more birds chirping and be able to drink in the beauty of God's creation. But the light I see in their eyes when I do happen to do the right things and catch them in their "moments of glory"...There's no sunset can compare to the faces and heart and love they lavish on me or bird song more beautiful than being called mommy by my children. If I couldn't sleep one more night or finish one more thoug....oh look at the pretty lights, they're so spaaahhhhkly!...ahem...I mean finish one more thought or conversation on the phone I would, and do, count it my privilege to hold this post Christ has given to me.

Now they key is to remember all of that during the day time when they sound like european police sirens as they say mommy mommy mommy over and over again:)

Many blessings and HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!

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