Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Radio Theater

For those of you who think homeschooling keeps a mama busy, I have to tell you, running around dropping off and picking up is making me run ragged!  My middle son was concerned when we decided to have all 5 boys in school this year.  He thought I'd be lonely with all the time I'd have to myself.  I'm still waiting for even a portion of "all that time"...

I plan to start writing for my blog again and I'm sorry for the long silence.  We currently have the most medically fragile baby we've ever had.  She three different oral medications 4 times a day plus an injection each night.  Staying on top of that and speech, OT, PT and social skills therapy takes up a lot of time.  PLUS I have a 13 year old...nuf said ;) 

For the past year we have been working on an Orthodox radio theater production.  My kids grew up listening to Focus on the Family Radio Theater and many many audio books.  They remember almost all the stories and enjoy listening to this day. 

This production is Narnia-ish.  The main character enters another "world" through the icon of Saint Nicholas and then spends time in Jericho with Rahab arriving when the two Israelite spies appear.  As the walls of Jericho begin to crumble, she runs back into the house of Rahab to retrieve her cross necklace but finds herself in the story of Ruth and Boaz.  This continues all the way to the birth of Christ in Bethlehem.  It's a really great way to make our history come alive for our kids.

We have put together a Kickstarter "campaign" for any and all who would like to participate in making this project available to kids and their families.  It has a full cast of characters, sound effects and original music. This performance will be available in both CD and digital download form.

The way Kickstarter works is a project must be fully funded to be considered successful.  If you make a pledge you are not charged unless the project is successful.  You can contribute as little as $1, and every little bit counts!

If you would like to check it out or contribute click on the link below:

Talk to you soon!

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