Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Through the Icon Launch

This is just a short blurb to let people know that our audio drama production, Adventure to Advent, is with the duplication company and due in December 11th.  Our digital download is available RIGHT NOW! I also have my books available and if anyone wants them personalized just let me know. 

My friends husband does the whole website/web design thing for a living.  I tried to do it all myself and boy was it hard for me.  My brain doesn't think that way.  I spent hours on the phone with tech support and working on putting together the website.  I have to give my friend's husband a cyber high five because it's hard AND he has to deal with people like me who don't know anything about computers, web my voice travels through a phone and someone can hear it on the other end :) 

Come on by, take a look and tell me what you think! 

Visit us at

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